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Finding Myself

It has taken a long time, but I have finally found myself. It is not as if I was searching for who I am all these years; it was more like, where did I come from to become who I am today. Sure, we all have our individual flaws, mishaps, misfortunes, and lessons. I am no different than any other human being who learns through experience, and through what he or she is taught. However, I have also contemplated what it is I firmly believe and what it is I still want to either learn, or do. Really, all of us are searching for meaning and contribution, but I am satisfied with my presence to the point where any curses have turned into blessings and any lessons have turned into love.

It was not an easy journey. I have lived through a childhood of lies and instability. I have had setbacks and retardation. I basically have gone from point Zero to where I am NOW. Where I am now is great, but where I have been is far more incredible. Even though I have gone through crazy, unpredictable times, I have also gone through sane, silent achievements. I have gone through feelings of gratitude, loneliness, euphoria, and hardship. I have seen both light and dark. I have even known streets as my best friend.

Where I am now is great. I am older and more the wiser. I have settled down to the point where I can call my home a real home. In fact, I have everything I could possibly think of having, even though I still carry holes in my heart. Sure, those holes consist of empty memories which bear the pain of loss and tribulations. And, though I continue to carry these holes in my heart, gratitude fills them up as a family welcoming a stranger into its home.

I, too, have found my own personal meaning, and though I still search for more meaning, I am content with where I have been and where I want to go. Because in this day and age, a lot of us may be able to go nearly anywhere, but every one of us has the potential to reach the farthest star if we just strive hard enough to reach it!

Cheers to you and yours, and may we all be blessed by the power of GOD. All-men and all women!


Friday the 13th - Divine Love

Photo by Takashi M - License
The event was intended to be forgotten, burnt so only its ashes existed. Yet, the spirit of such a phenomenal event lived on and became celebrated as Friday, the 13th, with future attributions relating to the number 13.

If one looks closely at this number, one can interpret its significance. Sure, the 13th was the date when most women were massacred for controlling the world with beauty, sexual desire, and an emotional state-of-being. Before then, women were worshiped and considered sacred as our physical bodies meant the birth of new life and nurture, and emotional attachment.

We were then condemned as witches, ones who could not bear any more power over our brothers and life systems. We were burned alive and enslaved, becoming powerless to bear the aggressive and forceful nature of man.

We also had protectors, those in touch with their compassionate side - those who honored and respected the cycle in life which bore new life. Those who appreciated and respected the essence and feel of the Divine Feminine. Those who helped to continue and sustain the birth of new life.

Now, we are here, at the mercy of present-day systems, both Old and New. Now, we are here, still continuing the gift of life, the essence of divinity, the nurture of emotions. For, it is with a mother's touch that all human beings can know and feel love. It is with a mother's touch that one may feel protected and capable, for all life forms are that of masculine and feminine, combined; except for those few who are capable of sustaining Divine Femininity on their own.

The number 13 is the figure that follows sacred 12 levels - 12 months, 12 hours of day, 12 hours of night, 12 steps before starting over... back to Zero, or back to ONE? Zero is thirteen as 13 is the number for which all is lost and gone into the process of renewal. Thirteen is sacred in creation, in how it relates to the in-between from ending to NEW beginning.

Four is often associated with the GOD number in Numerology. Four is the sacred family - mother, father, daughter, and son. Four is Life. Four is complete. With the sacred family comes sacred life, sustained.

Today, we live in a world where parts of masculinity still act as tyranny, where logic must make sense, be applicable, and exclude emotion. We live in lop-sided systems from this, which are often unhappy, incomplete, and usually frustrated. Even our brain has shown us two hemispheres, which include both logic and emotion to function completely. Therefore, we are suppressing emotion. We are suppressing expression. We are suppressing our Divine Femininity.

Until we can acknowledge the Divine Feminine in all of us, until we can balance masculinity with femininity, we will continue to live in a crooked world where only half of us are represented, and half of us are suppressed to nearly extinction. And, as many of us know the peaceful, eternal presence state-of-being, we know that it is not particularly saddening to leave unto a different world through transformation, carrying with us these lessons of our scars and remnants of our beauty.

To all women who represent Divine Love, Nurture, Emotional Intelligence, and the Pathway to Eternity, may GOD BLESS ALL FORMS OF LIFE with your Ever-Presence.

Creative Commons License
Friday the 13th - Divine Love by sdlizlivestyle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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(Stay tuned for an upcoming fairytale related to the sacred pathway of femininity)

~EternaL Love LOVES YOU