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Free Speech
Courtesy of prachisurya via Flickr

Wow! I am utterly disappointed with Billy Corgan in regards to Free Speech! After watching his interview on, it is clear that not only is he part of the 45+ year olds who are in the bottom 20% voting for Bernie Sanders, he is uneducated! His mind is back in the 1960s/1970s era, and he has no idea what is going on! He has no idea what civil rights movements are, and he doesn’t know that Bernie Sanders is participating in one! Instead, he’s talking to others on racism; yet, he does not know where he stands on it. Pretty soon, it will not matter because Corgan will go on to have success with his band, Smashing Pumpkins. Then, he will become another Wall Street sellout because Wall Street executives are his meal ticket, and he does not want to bite the hand that feeds him.

Billy Corgan actually appears like a typical Hillary Clinton supporter - not too Left and definitely somewhere in the middle! He most likely is Libertarian after listening to his interview. He believes in little government, Free Speech, regulation on drones, limits on the National Security Agency (NSA), and anti-communist practices; though, his take on limiting demonstrators and socialism is questionable! He states Social Justice Warriors (SJW) are a fad and typical, uninformed youth; yet, he appears to have no knowledge on how human rights, civil rights, and laws were formed - even protective rights, like Free Speech and women’s rights to vote! Of course, he states that he knows people don’t make change by simply sitting on their asses; yet, he implies he wants to limit youth who are currently marching in the streets! Though he can empathize with those marching in the streets, he doesn’t believe in the way they are doing it - particularly because he has no knowledge of ever doing it. No, his kind are like horses fed grass off the hand of a “humanism” (as he states humanity) - only to be a slave on the race track winning loads of money for its owner and trainer! He has learned to become complacent for the opportunity to become Wall Street kind - successful! He actually voiced his worry of America becoming like the books Animal Farm and 1984 when really, he joined that particular system!
Courtesy of Kris Sikes

Do not tell Billy Corgan, or anyone sharing his political viewpoint that because then it would be like taking the blinders off the horse! No, instead they should merely join Hillary Clinton and all her blind supporters who want to fund Wall Street, so that Wall Street can fund the American economy by expanding it overseas to other countries and other systems which may or may not share American values, while exploiting their workers and resources. After all, the American way is believing that we are superior - it does not matter what it takes to WIN! Instead of calling it conquest, however, we will call it global development, and we will share it with others who are just as mesmerized by our own development as we are! Yes, the US is a leader in innovation and foreign affairs! We have a great sense of nationalism, too. Anti-communists will tell you we are nothing like a totalitarian government because capitalism drives our society. We are Independent! We are Free! We have Liberty! We decide our own destiny! Nothing is wrong with the US!

That is a great sense of disillusioned arrogance! The US is a major country, but it has issues with poverty, inequality, homeland security, and foreign relations! Its citizens had to bail out its own banks that were "too big to fail," which are also part of the great Wall Street! Citizens lost homes, retirement, jobs, and savings! How can anyone like Billy Corgan, or anyone else with similar beliefs think Americans do not have the right to rebel against a system now trying to suppress them? Taxpayers bailed out Wall Street, and what has Wall Street done in return? Lowered interest rates? Designed new contracts for homeowners? In fact, how much did the government have to twist Wall Street's arm to work with the American people and save the American economy? These questions do not apply to Wall Street executives, however, since the CEO is never questioned! Now, what does communism really sound like?

Some of us in the US know that it is hard to change a person's point-of-view (POV) who is not accustomed to change. That is a given! However, for a person to judge another and not have experienced that person's journey, upbringing, or circumstances can and does deem that person ignorant to some of the ways of the world. Perhaps the Wall Street kind, with their capitalist success, do not really know what happens on Main Street! Perhaps there are some people who are just too comfortable in their luxurious house, with their luxurious setting and their luxurious staff to really know how the real world really works. They tend to know only what they are accustomed to, and have no idea that the market really is volatile - particularly after taxpayers just bailed out their high-class friends!

The only difference between groups of people is their position in power, which I touched on here. There are celebrities who use their fame (power) to bring a sense of awareness, or merely state their opinion. For Billy Corgan to proceed with an interview in which he clearly has no sound logic in his statements, and simply expressed fear with the direction the US is headed due to books he read where a communist government took over; therefore, government should be limited, as well as people who abuse their right to exercise Free Speech is preposterous! It is obvious Corgan has no idea what he is talking about, is not cultured, and is blind to some of the ways of the world... like a lot of similar folk! Sure, nationalism can be good if used to boost pride in citizens, which to do so would mean to have a strong economy, happy people, and plenty of opportunity!
Courtesy of Gage Skidmore
For any other libertarian who blindly blames the government and follows Wall Street tactics, welcome to the New America! Welcome to a nation that honors its people by defending their rights to the Constitution while trying to solve real-world problems that matter! If you have not been watching, reading, or following along on social media, it is where these rights are hindered or challenged that matter! Trump supporters can gather and speak, but Bernie supporters cannot march on the streets and speak because public property is only for those who look like they pay taxes to build and sustain that street! Free Speech is okay as long as it does not occur on social media, nor reaches far and wide because free speech is limited to the US only, and only with context deemed unharmful. In fact, that is why the NSA and Patriot Act exist to monitor such content within the nation because Free Speech has to be limited! One cannot state he or she is going to do harm and get away with it - particularly because there are real crazies who are willing to harm free citizens!

No country can have its cake and eat it too, unless it is an oligarchy for the few! In fact, most people may say that capitalism works because it is a free market, while others deem it risky if not regulated. In this sense, that is how many nations work! Government is limited to the protection of rights granted to its citizens, while citizens must work to make sure their rights are not being infringed or suppressed. Really, people are quick to blame the government, but without government, would we really be able to sustain our rights? Would we really be able to defend ourselves? Would we have order and organization without legislation? There are those who are quick to criticize others for standing up for what they believe in - only to forget that humanity has progressed because brave souls stood up for what they deemed was right, and made it law, or made it infamous! Sure, sometimes these people were right, and sometimes they were wrong, but the people who mattered and made a difference made their way into history books and legislation, so if you really believe in Free Speech - do not limit it! If you really believe in capitalism, look for ways to succeed without trampling on the rights and lives of others. If you really believe in self-defense, prepare to really defend yourself - even if it means losing friends and the respect of others! After all, no one size fits all, and humanity is just that - human beings.

Creative Commons License
Free Speech by sdlizlifestyle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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Trump and the US Presidency

Time to bring attention to the Trump supporter - particularly during a time when the United States is deciding on its next president. Not only does the two-party system, which has been so prevalent in U.S. politics for decades, seem split within their own party but both appear underqualified to determine the fate of the U.S.

The U.S. is a leader when it comes to development worldwide. Indeed, the U.S. has been a major country of trade, foreign relations, consumption, and research breakthroughs. From vaccinations to technology, to the worldwide web, and urban development, the U.S. has been a staple in modernization.

Until recently, and when the Great Recession hit in 2008, the U.S. has continued to lead and aid in foreign policy and influence. Oil has recently hit lows, and some technology corporations are even facing slow quarterly growth. In fact, Wall Street is a mess! The New York home of global financing and markets worldwide is in the pit stop, and no one is sure which direction it is headed; except, maybe, toward the finish line.

There really is not a finish line for global markets, however. If anything, the market must remain fluid and viable; otherwise, the pulse of the market goes dim and weak! When the pulse is weak, the people are weak! They are no longer consumers, but instead are still and breathing humanoids with no purchasing power. This is unfortunate for markets which rely on consumption to fuel their production, pay their workers, and load their banks.

It has recently come to my attention that those supporting Donald J. Trump for the next presidency may also be those who are fed up with governance that intervenes with the free-market. After all, a business is made for profit and production, and that is all! A business should have the freedom to operate without penalties, or regulations and high taxation which can hinder profitability, as well.

Throughout U.S. history, citizens have known or read about surges of depressions where the market was unable to perform, and many were left with no jobs, no money, and seemingly, no hope. Many stages and phases of politics happened in order to help citizens recover, and to revitalize the economy, development, and standard-of-living. In fact, this is not unique to the U.S. but is found in various countries throughout the world - particularly where development has taken place, which may or may not include investment from other, more influential countries.

What is significant in this current moment is that not only is U.S. politics playing a major role in the current state of affairs, worldwide, but it will almost determine the fate of humanity! Sure, the U.S. has been a significant contender throughout history when it comes to global development, foreign affairs, and even the course of humanity; however, it is not alone when it comes to influencing and governing its own people while also trying to maintain its status quo.

In recent times, people have been exposed to scenes of significant revolutions taking place in streets throughout the world through such mediums as social media, broadcasting systems, and even close to their major cities. It appears humanity may have reached a point where current systems of governance and monetary policy (in the form of providing resources for citizens) is at gridlock. People are no longer happy with the current state of affairs, and leaders are starting to prove unfit to govern.

The next President of the United States may, in fact, determine the next major course of all which is reliant on viable markets, foreign relations, cost-of-living, and new developments and standards. This is a president who will have to prove fit, determined, aggressive but kind, and mostly, worldly. The next U.S. President must be knowledgeable on current state-of-affairs, be a team player, be a natural leader, and mostly, be determined to improve situations which are tearing groups of people apart.

Although Donald Trump is well-known for being a real estate mogul, an investor, and a great businessman, he is also known for being frank. He has said things to which no politically-correct person would seemingly dare say to a crowd, let alone a nation and various countries. If he had said the correct things, he would not be so controversial. However, Trump has spoken of personal issues to the point where groups of people are rightfully offended!

As Trump makes remarks on certain nationalities and religions, his supporters follow suit in also expressing their personal opinions on other groups of people - whether it is related to economic, social, or foreign factors. Prime examples include issues related to the poor, to neighboring countries, and to certain religions. Not only that, but there have been hints of racism used to isolate groups of people from others.

A typical Trump supporter may likely relate to his message of "Make America Great Again" by holding national pride to the utmost American standard. This may include putting the U.S. first when it comes to foreign relations, business, and governance over its people. For example, most Trump supporters appear to favor deportation of illegal immigrants, and a closed, but free market. Of course, those familiar with economic policy know that a closed market, which consists of closing off trade, is not only risky, but also has a significant influence on foreign relations. At one point, President Obama had suggested this route in order to build more homegrown pride on "Made in U.S.A" until he realized the foreign implications.

For any Trump supporter, he or she may say, "So What?" Who cares if the U.S. closes its borders entirely on free trade and foreign policy? After all, the U.S. can maintain its own independence without the need to aid others, or allow others the opportunity to not only invest in the U.S. but experience it too. That way, citizens can feel safe at home and re-take jobs lost to foreigners!

Aside from the fact that the U.S. is invested in various forms of global financing, the U.S. is also a major player in both the welfare and opportunity of other countries. Not only that, but foreign relations are helpful in maintaining peace and harmony throughout the world. For example, global development happens because wealthier countries invest in poorer ones, even if it is to exploit that countries labor and resources. Known as risk-benefit analysis, investments happen worldwide because opportunities exist at a cost which will most likely bring benefits to profitability in the long-run. Why else do some investors build capital in the form of urban planning and markets??! The goal of capital investment is to build markets and consumption, as well as to raise the standard-of-living ... eventually!

The mess the U.S. has found itself in, along with other countries, is that there seems to be a limit on how much businesses can maintain and exploit their resources. After all, machines are used to do a significant part of the job, nowadays, but human power is still necessary! Sure, the goal of a business may be to eventually go from human power to solely technology, but even that has its own consequences and upkeep. The point, too, is that it is not just a "labor force," but a person's welfare! People often work in order to make money to sustain their cost-of-living, take care of others who may be dependent upon them - namely children, the elderly, and the disabled, and to consume. How else has humanity created its present-day state of affairs? Globalization has led to more development of a primary business model, which happens to be capitalism.

Trump supporters may be vocal in expressing their favoritism of capitalism, without the knowledge, or care of its implications towards various economies and resources. After all, most Trump supporters happen to be part of the Republican Party, which has clearly demonstrated its reluctance toward both the hindrance of the free market and the support of certain social issues. Republicans clearly want the U.S. to become stronger and freer by sustaining Wall Street and "To Big To Fail" banks, with or without the aid of foreign affairs. Well, at least that is what the voters are suggesting in recent primary and caucus elections held for the next general presidential election! The choice is Trump for those who identify as part of the GOP - a businessman who is not afraid to speak his mind on how the U.S. can be great all on its own! We do not need anyone to maintain our status quo - in fact, goodbye government! All investors, businessmen (and women) and workers are enough to keep the U.S. afloat, and if anyone else tries to mess with us, we have the best Department of Defense to sustain us! In fact, that is the only thing government should be used for - to secure our borders and maintain the peace and harmony within our borders, because once again, WE ARE MIGHTY!

Although the above paragraph is an exaggeration of how Trump supporters may think, it is not surprising if some people still carry this sense of nationalism! After all, national pride is a staple of the U.S. This great country has been a key developer in various economies, urban development, technological advances, and foreign affairs. Without the U.S., many countries may not have risen beyond potential and expectations. In fact, some are still reliant on the economic welfare of the U.S.! It is no surprise, then, that this first world nation is a leading developer of worldwide distribution, production, and influence. Sure, other countries have climbed aboard, and still, other nations are nearly capable of going independent, too, but the reality is that treaties were made, trade exists, and nations work together to ensure peace, harmony, and fluid movement between countries.

There are those who adamantly disagree with these types of means to development and sustainability. There are even those who will terrorize others for trying to modernize their country or beliefs in society. Yet, global development persists, and nations still come together to tackle various issues, including those related to human health, human rights, and human development. The global effect of these current state-of-affairs on whether these types of business models and international relations will hold up to enrich lives and raise humanity's awareness, or not, will be the test of our time - particularly with small businesses and how they weather the competition of a global market economy. The question now is, how will Trump make America great again if he seems to have no clue on how to handle such foreign affairs? He suggests implementing a 35% tariff on businesses who move abroad - yet, still sell to U.S. consumers, which suggests divestment. Plus, if no one wants to do business with the U.S., it would not matter because the U.S. is rich enough to sustain itself! That is what Trump is suggesting! After all, he should know how to run one of the greatest countries because he knows how to run a business! He has done a great job rebranding his name to make it look shiny-new again!

If certain sarcasm flew over the head of a Trump supporter here, it is not surprising! To start, the U.S. has a huge deficit to which Trump has not necessarily discussed. Trump's only focus appears to be on winning the presidency which he has so rightfully earned as an investment because if he fails, it will make him look like the horrible businessman he just may well be, according to the display of his own personal opinions. Not only that, but his tactics are questionable! How can any educated person take his policies seriously - let alone suggest he preside over the mighty U.S.? The citizens might as well let Brutus of Popeye rule its nation.

Creative Commons License
Trump and the US Presidency by sdlizlivestyle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at