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Wow! The Movement is Here!

Hello to all amazing people!

     Through observations, I have witnessed incredible masses full of love and light, and it amazes me how much love circulates just around the western part of the USA! Not only that, social media shows incredible insight, realization, and everyday occurrences which exist far past our perception- in a way that only technology can seemingly connect us! What is more incredible than that is humanity is evolving ever-so fast, and unified, that our warp zone is getting lighter and lighter; therefore, we are in a zone that is going faster and faster! This is true, and the realization is becoming factual! Not only is Science and Technology spreading knowledge in incredible ways, but our world is changing and connecting, and unifying global tastes, and beliefs- not to mention cultures- so rapidly, we are becoming One! We are One- Now! And, we're continuing to grow!

     Recently, I got to witness magic after writing about one of the fastest growing music festivals which celebrates Reggae music! Although the California Roots Music and Arts Festival includes both Reggae and Rock music- particularly that from the U.S.A, most of its mass comes from dedicated people who celebrate the culture of Reggae-Rock music- which is mostly those from California! That is not to say that those who come from out of state- or, even out of country, are not as massive as those from California, but music fans from this golden state have long been familiar with music by Sublime- a notorious band from Long Beach, CA that sprouted the Reggae-Rock (even mix of Hip-Hop) scene from California! Since then, there has been an infusion of Reggae and Rock Music that showcases the culture of most California cities located near the coast, and the attitudes of its people! Sure, California is well-known for Hollywood, movies, and celebrities, but beyond all that glamour is a real heartbeat of people who celebrate grassroots movements and Reggae-Rock music!
I am pleased to announce that the California Roots team is this kind of organization when it comes to uniting exceptional Reggae-Rock musicians and their fans, and celebrating the culture of it! That is why about 330 people read my announcement on their upcoming 5th Annual Music and Arts Festival via on the first day my article was published! That is also why this 3-day festival will most-likely be sold-out... again; especially with the incredible line-up this year!

     Other festivals are sprouting, or have been corporately-sponsored, and have even sold-out, but the main goal of these festivals is to celebrate music, art, and sometimes, diverse food! What better way to celebrate and become familiar with a culture than to check out these festivals which behold music, people, and even unity- like the WorldBeatCenter's Tribute To The Reggae Legends, which I had the honor to write about too! The upcoming 5th Annual California Roots Music and Arts Festival celebrates Reggae-Rock music, live art, and unique vendors, and so, it is one of the most-sought music festivals in California! There is no doubt this year's festival is going to bring another massive movement to those who cherish the music, the crowd, and the scene, and I hope to see some familiar smiling faces when I'm there!

Until then, California and the Uniting Movement fans of the Reggae-Rock Scene, JAH Bless and Keep You while You Rock Out, Have Fun, and Stay Safe! Remember to love and not judge, and help one another UP! We're in this together, and so, we must act like it! PEACE.