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The year is 2017 and the world does not seem like it can get any brighter! And, perhaps it cannot. Although, with technology and alternative energy power, the human mind may get brighter ... to the point of delusion, that is!

Everyone is on their phones these days, and kids are learning through technology. Is it safe to say that we are in a period of time of magnificence with these technological wonders? I mean, it is also a bit scary, considering scientists can test technology any way they want, (as long as they get the funding) which includes biologically. Perhaps it is this industry that is changing the future!

When one thinks of bio-technology, one may think of genetically modified organisms, the duplicate human brain being built in Europe, or even laboratory mice. Indeed, humanity is doing something in those laboratories that is not all chemistry and astrophysics! A new world may emerge from it, with the root cause coming from such laboratories; meanwhile, the U.S. has a president who may try to hinder public knowledge of government-funded research, which uses tax dollars to aid in the development of some of these types of research. So, anything can happen!

In a way, that is the world of politics. In the real world of politics, politicians do their job by somewhat representing the will of their community ... until they get into the true world of money and politics! Perhaps there is an invisible global business plan there which seeks government approval at all costs and turns an eye at the most convenient moment. That, my friend, must be the world of politics - business is to run freely, but ever so profitable, and somewhat, with the consideration of impact on local environments.

Good thing The People are too distracted! People are so distracted with their money, technology, and urbanized way of life that it is nearly impossible for some people to take life seriously! I mean, why study about how the world turns when your cellular phone can tell you the coordinates of where you are in less than two seconds? Why look into the history of civil rights when freedom exists in one's immediate environment to the point that that person cannot even fathom what it is to have civil rights threatened, or taken away ... until now? (At least in the U.S. and perhaps Britain, as well as many other countries which still do not provide civil rights.)

Perhaps most of humanity is still disconnected! Only those who live in a plains area with no electricity were and are believed to (still) be disconnected. But, like the biotechnology industry which is silently creeping its way into more people's lives, more people are probably and plainly too distracted! More people may rely too much on the incredible invention of technology that he or she may forget how to think, and I do not mean process information, but differentiate between what is real and unreal.

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