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The Truth in Itself

The truth is...

radiation is seeping in;
we're trying to stop it-
spraying the skies;
instead we're weighin it in-
tryin to reflect the high!
High Solar Maximus-
some say we're not
 gettin a bit of it,
but flarin increases
 bit by bit;
each day,
and each way;
we're feelin it...
reflectin it...
it keeps us lit!

So be aware of the increase
of climate change;
major changes are underway
with our current waves-
solar, hydro, and atmospheric
keep our bodies hydrated
 at all times;
not to mention what happened
on the Pacific side;
we're gonna witness changes
 of all kinds;
major changes are underway!


For now take time,
relax in the shade;
changes take place
 almost everyday!
Increase in temperature,
 weather, and movement;
we're gonna witness a change
 of mass-movement!

Everyday is a blessing
 in its own;
relax, and enjoy,
but stay in the zone!
Change happens
and so do miracles;
each and every day,
all one has to do is pray!
Pray for ever-lasting
 Peace and Happiness;
Pray just for the joy and gratitude
 of it! Pray for the shelterless and struggling, and end of it;
pray for each soul whose loving every bit;
pray the SUN still shines bright
and keeps us lit-
that It guides our way, 
and reflects us a little bit;
but most of all,
pray for our very own soul-
which speaks to our heart and guides us in our very own way!

Gratitude Information.
